(Edited 2/6/2023) *HOT WATCH* – NEW! Posted 2/4/23: “Shots fired” with brave American patriot reporter Deanna Lorraine on the Stew Peters Network. You can watch it here; “7 home-schooled kids stolen”.
“There is no ‘immunity’” in the United States of America! ‘Immunity’ for criminal or civil liability is prohibited under Federal law: Title 42 U.S. Code Ch. 21, Section 1981, and our supreme law, the United States Constitution Article 6, Section 2, 14th Amendment Section 1, the “equal protection of the laws” clause.
Here’s a brief on what the law provides us (find it via your preferred internet search engine, other reference material, or here):
What is U.S. Code?
Title 1 U.S. Code, Chapter 3, Section 204
“…prima facie the laws of the United States, general and permanent in nature”
Title 42 U.S. Code, Chapter 21, Section 1981 – Equal rights under the law
“(a) Statement of equal rights
All persons within the jurisdiction of the United States shall have the same right in every State and Territory to make and enforce contracts, to sue, be parties, give evidence, and to the full and equal benefit of all laws and proceedings for the security of persons and property as is enjoyed by white citizens, and shall be subject to like punishment, pains, penalties, taxes, licenses, and exactions of every kind, and to no other.
(b) For purposes of this section, the term “make and enforce contracts” includes the making, performance, modification, and termination of contracts, and the enjoyment of all benefits, privileges, terms, and conditions of the contractual relationship.
(c) Protection against impairment
The rights protected by this section are protected against impairment by nongovernmental discrimination and impairment under color of State law.”
Title 42 U.S. Code Chapter 7, Subchapter XI, Part A, Section 1301 – Definitions
“(a) When used in this chapter—
(3) The term “person” means an individual, a trust or estate, a partnership, or a corporation.”
Reference it here.
What is the United States (U.S.) Constitution?
Article 6, Section 2 – “the supreme law of the land”
“This Constitution, and the Laws of the United States which shall be made in pursuance thereof; and all Treaties made, or which shall be made, under the Authority of the United States, shall be the supreme Law of the Land; and the Judges in every State shall be bound thereby; any Thing in the Constitution or Laws of any State to the Contrary not withstanding.”
14th Amendment – Equal protection of the laws
“All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and the State wherein they reside. No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws.”
(Added 2/5/2023) Note 1: What did a good civics teacher teach? “Privileges or immunities” are simply the securities of our rights and benefits of being an American citizen. Title 42, Chapter 21, Section 1981, other pursuant protective law, and case law throughout our history identify and re-enforce that fact.
Justice for crimes and civil remedy (lawsuits) are provided and secured by the “law of our rights”, that is, our supreme law. We have this unalienable right (meaning it cannot be taken away) that is also codified law and our government was established to secure. Any other “immunity ‘law’ or statement by a judicial officer to the contrary cannot negate the “law of our rights”, which are the ultimate authority because of their source; that is, our Creator (Read our Declaration of Independence). Our government cannot issue “rights”, nor can it, or any person, entity, corporation, etc. deprive us of them. “We the People” established it with a specific charter to secure them for the people (citizens) of the United States.
What’s happening to American citizens under the color of many state “immunity law (lessness)”, even by the “Federal State” (the crimes will be shown) and other means is an on-going deprivation of our rights (Title 18 U.S. Code Ch. 13, Sections 241, 242 crimes, and Title 42 U.S. Code Sections 1983, 1985 remedies) by an usurpation, sedition, treason?, obstructions of justice and civil remedies, to child and Title IV money theft, injuries to and death of Americans, and, if “We the people” continue to allow it, our certain enslavement and eventual demise. The harm being inflicted on our children and the unmitigated destruction of our country and way of life is real, and happening near you, if not already to you.
And where are our once trusted “public servants” in the Department of Justice? We reported the crime(s) to you. Where are our State/Federal representatives, governors, attorney generals, U.S. attorneys, even other high officials? We reported it to several of you. Where are our civilian lawyers? We showed some of you! Where are our veterans? Where are YOU?
Is it like crickets in winter?
When corrupt/complicit bad actors in our system remain ignorant and derelict to their trusted duties and our “representation” is also complicit or missing in action, are you going to join together, show up, and stop it, and them, or allow a domestic enemy to continue doing it? Do you think the unchecked spirit of tyranny will not come to your door? Who or what will be left to defend you, and your children?
(Added 2/6/2023): With our Petitions for Redress (U.S. Constitution, 1st Amendment) and many crime reports blatantly ignored, no investigations, no prosecutions, no remedies, no answers, and no returns provided (like our children, securities, livelihood, and other treasured things), we have no where else to go but to you, “The People of the United States”. And here we are. There are many of us. We will investigate, ask the right questions, and get the right answers, to “justice for all.”
Stay tuned. A corresponding, extensive, urgent “All Points Bulletin” for the people of the United States with additional information, details, and some glowing evidence is coming very soon.
3/28/2021; All Points Bulletin-2 (APB-2) U.S.
Hello friends,
You may remember us from our work on Twitter as “The Forgotten American @NoLongerIgnored.” That account, and our work, no longer exists there as they eliminated (suspended) it by the great (censorship) purge last January. Over 40K followers, valuable connections – even to millions of other people around the world, and volumes of content creation over more than 4 years gone in a click. Sadly, they ignore our attempts to get it back. Apparently, upholding our rights and helping parents, children, and families, was considered “harmful content” on that platform. Among other unforeseen events, our mission was severely set-back, without cause, but we have re-grouped and continue onward. As such, we’re relocating to other places and continuing our work in better ways. We want to reconnect and keep you updated.
“The Forgotten American @NoLongerIgnored…. (will she return to Twitter someday? She asked!)
…IS NOW ON: CloutHub, gab, Telegram, MeWe, Parler, and Pure Social!
Some of you may be familiar with us by watching one or more of our interviews on various forums since we entered the public arena with our story last September. We did so not only for our children and family, but also on behalf of many other parents, children, and families so egregiously violated and unlawfully separated, to raise awareness for corrective actions among our fellow Americans.
NOTE: Northwest Liberty News was recently terminated on the platform James was using. His work and channel has moved to Rumble. Our interviews with James are not re-posted there, yet, but you may now watch them here.
James has covered many other horrific events happening to thousands of American parents and children. His great work is often over-looked, heavily censored, and under-supported, but among those who know it, and him, deeply appreciated and respected.
You may watch the entire series in order here: Watch.
Got a voice? These great patriots will listen, let you report, and then tell everyone what they really think.
Watch our Patriot Transition Voice interview, part 1 of 2 “The Forgotten American, a Case of National Interest” when it becomes available again after we resolve an on-going maintenance issue.
To watch our PTV interview part 2, learn a little more about what happened to PTV, along with other informative interviews, articles, our message of thanks and other things, please visit THIS LINK.
The problem is not resolved. We, along with many other Americans, continue to be ignored by people in our government, or the so-called “trusts” in our system. A very dangerous threat remains in place that is actively breaking up and destroying American families, hurting our children – even to human/child trafficking, and negatively affecting and weakening our country. Our efforts will continue despite the attempted censorship and other threats; to expose the crimes and stop corrupt individuals engaged in full-blown lawlessness undermining our country by the theft of our precious children, and even our money. Justice needs to occur to help facilitate the healing process.
“Justice will not be served until those who are unaffected are as outraged as those who are.” Benjamin Franklin
Thank you to those of you who “showed up” to help us, and others; even by simply sharing information and your support in other ways; for not giving up on America and the stepped up efforts of patriots. Since becoming acquainted with you in cause or concern, to highlight the major problems threatening all Americans, even blatantly seditious acts via fraud in our country by known “dark forces”, to include the child-trafficking and money-laundering epidemic, being overwhelmed with kindness, we appreciate your outreach, engagement, and willingness to “do something”. We must continue doing so to save our children, and save America, because the damage being done and threat to the unknowing is very real. By the best of our ability and means we will continue to identify the problem(s), seek solutions, work with and help others in similar situations to endure it, defeat tyranny, acquire justice and remedy, recover, and receive opportunities for healing.
With no other known checks and balances, we have concluded, with evidence, that despite pursuing all available criminal justice and litigation channels for remedy, our government and civil systems have willfully failed us. Corrupt, seditious people within are using it against us by their veiled work, or cold-hearted refusal to provide trusted community services that has severely impacted our way of life and continues to threaten our future. Our children have also been harmed and remain in great danger. The deceptive usurpation driving the atrocities results in the on-going destruction to American parents, children, and families under the color of law, by a “safety/best-interest” false narrative, and other kinds of disguise.
The exposure of what’s happening to our freedom and the damage being done to American families and vulnerable children – the very bedrock of our country; the enormous amount of views and feedback we’ve received; the connections to great people for our cause, is growing, but our children, rights, justice, and remedy remains “missing”. We have more work to do on a very big problem.
We have been working an angle to “do something” to stop it, and now we’re taking it to another level. We write to let you know more about it, and ask for your help in any way possible; even if it’s just making it known among your friends, so we can hopefully “get together” and “work together” more profoundly, to fix it. We are fully engaged and dedicated to the next phase; “takin’ it to the streets”, peacefully. If need be, we’ll go down every avenue and across the countryside, literally and figuratively, and use all friendly tools and means available, to win this spiritual and information “war” and defeat the threat to our nation, freedom, and families “the American way”. Despite being subject to many lies, an outrageous amount of fraud, theft, injustice, undue hardship, and even homelessness, as are many others, we know that the truth, and “Pro-action”, that is, “Pros in action”, will set us free. We think that “together” we’re on the cusp of something beautiful.
So here’s the news: We recently launched “H3FC – The Heritage and Freedom Coalition“. We’re an upstart enterprise; a gathering place for patriots, even all Americans, and perhaps our friends around the world, so we may effectively organize on the broader issues, and hopefully work together in going beyond just talking about child-theft to trafficking, money-laundering, corruption, and seditious ops to tyranny (most evidently by the lawlessness and willful system failures), but to eradicate it entirely, and restore a righteous, healthy, Constitutional system functional for our freedom.
As a great “grassroots” effort, our objectives will involve attaining measurable results centered in the rescues and securities of our children, reclaiming the protections of our rights, to “crowning His good in brotherhood (and sisterhood)”, and to “make America free, fun, and great again”. It will also be a place for people to make their stories more widely known, good and bad, with a view to justice, remedy, and restoration.
Copyright, H3FC, 2021
Are you a ‘forgotten American, still being ignored? Join us!
The mission and work of LetOurChildrenGo.org will continue. As it remains Terri’s primary thing, we are working to graft it into “H3FC – The Heritage and Freedom Coalition” to effect greater visibility, reach, and impact. It will eventually become a core, critical element, among other ones important to the American People, within the H3FC brand and operation.
In bigger news, we are privileged and very honored to have received the endorsement and active support of a courageous, caring woman; the amazing Mary Flynn O’Neill, who has a genuine concern for American families; to stop the deprivations of our rights and destruction occurring to many parents and their children. She has appeared with us in many of our interviews, and several others on her own, to highlight the problems and to promote and effect solutions for the securities and well-being of all American families. Correspondingly, Mary has graciously joined our team as an ambassador and special consultant for our organization and mission.
In answering a question for cause, from just one horribly violated and concerned American to another, she simply said, “Of course anything to help you guys!!!” Why would those words not fall off the lips, or from the finger-tips of every American citizen, for their fellow Americans, our country, and the heritage and freedom given to us by our Creator?
Mary is frequently identified as the sister of the highly respected and beloved Lt. General Michael T. Flynn, United States Army-Retired, with 33 years of honorable service; affectionately referred to by many Americans as “The People’s General”. By the impactful guidance of her mother and father, and even many character-shaping experiences throughout her life, she is also making a profound name for herself by her visibility and powerful influence in the public arena, and behind many scenes for the sake of preserving, strengthening, helping to bring justice for, and healing to American families and their children; to making America “great again”, and also, “the Beautiful” again. Do you know that she can sing it, too? Hear a great speech, and a heart-touching song (23:45) about the “land that I love”. WATCH.
While exhibiting exemplary civic duty in addressing many issues and threats affecting the American people and freedom in our country overall, she also faithfully and diligently attends to and provides for her own family. “Thank you Mary, for your great example!”
We are looking for good men and women of courage and character; talented, trustworthy, committed, fully-engaged, and able warriors to help us, in a concerted way, to “win each day”; accomplish urgent objectives, and the mission overall – protecting our heritage and freedom in America. If you have additional questions, we are pleased to answer them. Please contact us for more information. The best way to do so is by e-mail, and we will get back to you.
Right now we see the Light burning brighter, as the awareness, strength, and resolve among “the People” grows, but we need many more “awakened Americans”, from wherever we can find them. Hopefully, alerting and connecting with them on the broader issues will enable us to accomplish that objective. The Spirit is stirring things up, and definitely on the move. What kind of spring and summer will it be?
Though the system has failed us, we have faith that ‘We the People of the United States’ will not fail us, or each other. They have “crossed the line”. Everything we treasure and often take for granted is at stake. We will do everything we can to protect our freedom and our country, because that is the one (best) thing we can do for, and leave our children. We will prevail.
We encourage you to check our site(s) often, as this work and the related outcomes are evolving and being updated daily. “We” have had enough of the lies, lawlessness, oppression, and tyranny. Because of the willful failures and dereliction of duty, to the defrauding of you and the rest of the American people, the days of “full disclosure” are upon us. It will not be something to miss. If what has been put forth thus far is not enough, then hopefully the rest will drive you to “do something”. Our children’s hearts, their voices, our own, and the voices of many others cry out. Will we not hear, and act?
The Almighty Creator and Redeemer keeps His promises, and so will we. That’s what “the colors” really mean. We’re taking these and other things back from the liars and others who redefine things. The truth has already been made known. It will be put forth again, so “that they are without excuse”. (Genesis 9:11-17, Daniel 7:25, Romans 1:19, 20).
Copyright, H3FC, 2021
Again, we appreciate and thank you for connecting with, following, and helping us, along with so many other Americans, in very special, and impactful ways. We look forward to doing even more of it as we “go places” to pursue our happiness and reclaim our securities.
Together, in due season, we shall reap.
Blessings to you, friends. With kindness, and warm regards,
Mark and Terri – “The Forgotten American, No Longer Ignored.”
Contact: H3FC@protonmail.com
3/9/2021; URGENT – All Points Bulletin-1 (APB-1) U.S.
“Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children’s children what it was once like in the United States when men were free.”
“Government is not the solution to our problem….
RONALD REAGAN, 40th President of the United States of America; 1981 to 1989.
For Americans in the United States and freedom-loving friends around the world who do not yet “know”, or are content with the status quo, being “asleep vs. awake”; the facts in evidence derived from multiple sources and revelations over an extended period of time has irrefutably disclosed that, due to bad agents operating within our government systems, IT HAS WILLFULLY FAILED US, and is now acting abusively against us to the usurpation of our liberties, and there-by, to our existential harm. Widespread treasonous activity in seditious operations by case-framing, fraud, false narratives, and brazen lawlessness is rampant and unmitigated. It threatens our Constitutional Republic, the preservation of our freedom, and peaceful way of life. The American way is under attack. Our ability to fight back is hindered; recourse is unlawfully “immunized”, obstructed, and denied.
Domestic enemies; socialists, communists, fascists, totalitarian dictators, among others, are within our gates. They have quietly and deceptively assumed powerful positions in our society and government. In collusion with other bad actors and even foreign influences, they are using our systems against us; operating within many of our once trusted institutions to deprive us of our securities, our children, our voice, our vote, and the truth. We Americans are being denied our Constitutional rights. Our children are being kidnapped, trafficked, and used for outrageous atrocities – even ritual abuse, experimentation, and other abominations; held-hostage from loving “no crime” parents and families under the color of law (or the unlawful force of corrupt ‘governance’); even by infil-“traitors”, with no justice or remedy. Good, law-abiding families are being involuntarily broken up and destroyed. We are being lied to; people are getting “taken-out”; murdered and wrongly imprisoned!
Our money is being stolen; circulated, and used by “dark forces” for horrible things, to hurt us and our children even more. The great weakening of the bedrock of our beautiful country, to the destruction of our way of life, is under way. These “dark forces”, driven by unbridled lusts for power and control, by deviant behavior to compromise, in positions of public “trusts and service”, no longer serve us for our liberty, and justice, but for sick agendas and corrupt activities; to terrorize, oppress, and forcefully re-educate us and our children by totalitarianism to tyranny and despotism. The threat is active! It is an assault, oppression, and unacceptable risk that has reached a tipping point, even a criticality from which we may not return, unless we act now with unified, dedicated, and fortified resolve. Many parents, children, and families are placed in undue pain, extreme hardship, and cruelty; even to homelessness and their destruction. Here in the USA? Why?
It is a stealth “all-out” attack. Their objective is to damage, weaken, and ultimately destroy us. It is a threat to – YOU; and WE HAVE A DUTY TO STOP IT! We will not allow our heritage, freedom, and future to be stolen. We will secure our independence, safety, and the pursuit of happiness. With no remedy and accountability for the robberies of, and unlawful eating out of our substance, by the theft of the privileges and gifts from our Creator, the need compels us to rise-up and act to save our freedom, families, and republic. What must be done, will be. We are coming, O’ enemies, to stop you! Great Americans answer the call to do helpful things toward making a positive difference. This is a much bigger and necessary call. Do you have a gift, talent, or something you can provide; a passion to help others, and make a life-shaping difference in the lives of Americans, to preserve our way, and country? Are you hurting, and need help?
You are not alone.
We’re going to “DO SOMETHING”.
Will you?
Criminals, traitors, and tyrants must be brought to justice. We’re in a spiritual and information war that we will win. Stand-up and be strong! JOIN-TOGETHER!
Save our way in the USA. Speak, Unite, and Act!
Are you still thinking about it? What’s “the trust” given to…, you?
Contact: H3FC@protonmail.com
Copyright H3FC 2021; All rights reserved.