ABOUT US: Who are we? Part of the beginning of a “glorious unfolding” of “love and mercy, grace and kindness”; “We the People” joining together and acting to save America, and preserve the blessings of His grace shed upon us, and our country, as “one nation, under God, indivisible, with liberty and justice for all.” We’re an upstart enterprise, and an organizational gathering place for all freedom-loving Americans; especially our great patriots, and our friends around the world; to create pathways to gateways for the sake of rescuing and preserving our American Heritage and Freedom, especially our children, and the return of the American family, even all families-natural, as it was intended to be. Plans (and protections) are in place for expansion as we develop and grow.
WHERE YOU WILL NOT “FIND US….”: We will not have a presence on Facebook and Twitter at this time as they are currently exhibiting behavior (censoring lawful free speech that actually helps people) that is unconstitutional and exceedingly not American. May they enjoy the fruit of the their labor, and the tyranny that comes from censorship. We trust in great Americans to speak well to one another, and “police themselves”. Therefore, our social media presence will be wherever else we can be (more to come on that), to speak freely, and work to keep our children with us, our family units together, and our country secure in liberty.
“The Forgotten American@NoLongerIgnored” is no longer on Twitter…
….but we’re still roaring from these and many other places for mothers, fathers, children, their families, our freedom, and our country. We are looking for you again, and new friends, to continue and complete, the mission we began together.
OUR LOGOS: Our Creator keeps His promises (Gen. 9:11-17). That’s what the rainbow (colors) truly represents, and we will keep ours, too. It’s even around His throne (Rev. 4:3). Time we restore that meaning, and the trust.
COPYRIGHT (OURS): We possess and reserve the exclusive right to the H3FC/H3FC.com logo (copyrighted through the U.S. Government Copyright Office), and related materials. Use for the business, financial, or personal benefit by another person, organization, or for any other purpose or reason, without our written approval, is expressly prohibited. Links provided to our site – H3FC.com, and affiliated pages, by our fellow Americans and friends around the world, are welcomed, and requested. We are pleased and honored to do the same for you.
COPYRIGHT (OTHERS): The presentation of material from, or links to, material not otherwise expressly restricted, is under “Fair Use” and is not an intended infringement on the copyright of another and the benefits they exclusively derive from, or the promotion of the exclusive ownership of their work(s). We do not link to it for our benefit in any way, but to offer information, for educational and research purposes, to our visitors to those sites, platforms, operations, products, or any other thing belonging exclusively to that individual, or party.
Check back often; more is coming. For now, check this out; >
Part 1, SONG OF THE MONTH – Answers this question, “Where’s my promised land?” Listen.
Part 2: Playlist -“The Forgotten American”.
NOTE: Links to our interviews on Northwest Liberty News are no longer available because that channel has been terminated on the platform James White and NWLN were using. While that channel exists on Rumble, our interviews are not posted there, yet. We hope to work with James to repost them, and many other great interviews as quickly as possible. With James’ permission, they are re-posted in order and you may watch them here:
LINKS; SECTION 1 – Friends, with sites;
Disclaimer: We may not agree with every view point or opinion presented on these sites, and the individuals associated with or appearing on them, but we do respect their freedom to express it, and your right to question and re-dress those things with a view toward preserving unity on the most important things, in the bond of peace. We recognize and appreciate their support for, reporting on, and engagement in our cause; “our freedom, and the future of our children.”
Ed Martin – Phyllis Schlafly Eagles; Pro America Report
WVHU-iheart Radio – The Tom Roten Morning Show
WLW-iheart Radio (Cincinnati) – Gary Jeff Walker Show
Sarah Westall – Business Game Changers
Thrivetimeshow with Clay Clark
YOUR PRIVACY: A quick word; we respect and will work to maintain the privacy of all individuals visiting and connecting with us through this site, unless given express permission to do otherwise. Links to other sites/information that already exist in the public arena may be referenced for education and informational purposes only.
Copyright H3FC 2021; All rights reserved.