Updated 12/1/2022:

What’s happening to our freedom? What’s happening to our children?

Here are a few featured presentations from courageous, independent hosts/reporters (more forth-coming) helping you to see, hear, and hopefully act on what others keep hidden:

Disclaimer: By posting our appearances on these shows we do not necessarily endorse and may not agree with every view point or opinion presented on these sites, and the individuals associated with or appearing on them, but we do respect their freedom to express it, and your right to question and re-dress those things with a view toward preserving unity on the most important things, in the bond of peace. We recognize and appreciate their support for reporting on, and engagement in our cause; “our freedom, and the future of our children”. Our objective was to make you aware with a view toward facilitating all peaceful measures possible for the urgently needed and overdue course correction.

Is it a child-theft, money-laundering, family-destruction fraud op, and an unmitigated threat, still? Are children safe in this kind of thing, with strangers and criminals? We know many of the individuals involved. Will they not be made known, when you have a right to know, because you’re paying for it (and them), and there is nothing else left to do? What’s it going to take, to effect their rescue, and our national well-being?

Want to see part of what’s been said? Go to the interview titled “Seven counts of kidnapping and not one arrest” with James White at Northwest Liberty News below.

Crimes with no justice? Rights that secure our freedom, denied? Have corrupt, even seditious “public servants” ignored, betrayed, been derelict in their chartered duties, and hurt us and our children, along with many other Americans, repeatedly? What “land of” are we again? With what, “….for all”?

How much of your money is being stolen along with our children? Million$, even to billion$, nationwide every year. Where do our precious, stolen children really want to go? HOME, their real home, with their real moms and dads.

So why don’t we let them, or help them?

Ivory Hecker: “Govt kidnapping of children”. Do we have corrupt, “dark forces” within it, and accomplices on the outside, doing it? Who is at risk? Having several years experience in corporate news, what does Ivory say about why you may not hear what’s happening to kidnapped American children, and hurting parents with destroyed livelihoods?

You’re funding it, by a deception and on a lie. Do you consent to this?

Will we be the solution, save our children, and our country? It only takes you, but will you? Will you stand up, and say, “NO! Not on my watch, not in my country, join together for the cause, and “do something”? The perpetrators of this wickedness do not think you will, and that’s what emboldens them to continue their ignorance, schemes, thefts, and our destruction. Keep reading, listening and watching. Tell someone else today, and be there. Be there for someone. It’s happening in your neighborhood. You may just save someone’s “life, liberty, pursuit of happiness”, and a nation.

Where are our children? Why are they not with (us) their loving parents/family, today?

More to come soon, but for now, we await you and thank you…


Thank you for reaching out to us and sharing your concerns, requests, stories, and offers; especially your various help timely provided in many kind and generous ways. Because WE CARE, we do take the time to read every comment and note every follower here, and at LetOurChildrenGo.org (Terri’s primary). Thousands have visited the site, and hundreds of other great people have contacted us directly and are still waiting for a “personal” response, even from over many weeks ago, or longer.

We write to everyone regarding their concerns, needs, and offers of help specifically as we are able, and when we are able. We aim to do so to the best of our ability, with personal interest, and a kind, “human touch” in the midst of a very difficult, oppressive, and threatening situation. In the interim, we are sending you this message. We know many of you are going through the same things, or worse, and we are here for you, as we must be for each other, to save our freedom, unique way of life, and our children that are being stolen and hurt, everyday, “under the color of law”.


And now, let’s get ready, for the main event!

The outpouring of love, prayers, provisions, and encouragement from you great people, even in the smallest ways, has been uplifting and touched our hearts. Many Americans, like you, are still good, and keeping America great. Your kindness has also enabled us to have hope for our individual independence, and national survival; to continue the righteous fight toward rescuing our children, reclaiming our rights to our freedom, and most importantly, to also help others in the same ways; to cohesively overcome the on-going sedition via the overwhelming corruption that we’ve been seduced into “allowing”. No more.

Our children, other American children, and their parents have been and remain in great danger; unduly assaulted and “re-educated” to their harm, with an apparent view to the destruction of us all. We plea to “good America” everywhere for help; particularly by speaking with and connecting with your neighbors, to defeat this disguised tyrannical enemy; to rescuing and protecting our children, and restoring our families; the bedrock and future of our country.

“7 home-schooled children snatched by CPS family traffickers; one family of many others in the same state, across the United States, and even more around the world? >Alternate Link<….

No crime? No power. Return them now!

We had faith, and certainly knew that “good America” still lives. We have seen it, and see it more every passing day. With so many great Americans across our beautiful United States, the patriots and quiet giants now arising with the truth, we will defeat tyranny again, end the usurpation, and reclaim the heritage given to us by our Creator, to the prosperity that is our destiny, by our hard work ethic, our great, compassionate, capitalist system, for our prosperity; to truly thriving and pursuing our happiness again. We will live as a free people, with our children and our securities, doing everything we can to pass our heritage and freedom on to them, to make a better future for ourselves, and our posterity. We will be faithful to the trust; that shining city on a hill.

Our passion is to help others, especially the reclamation of ALL of our children, and the securities, independence, and health of not only them, but their real mothers and fathers, and our extended American family across “the fruited plain”. In the midst of many restrictive factors, like having limited engagement ability (temporary), vs. thousands of hurting, needy, and egregiously violated people coming forward, whom we do care about, we want to connect with you, and if possible, work to help you, alleviate hardships, eliminate threats, and effect solutions for our safety and security, for “the good” in our country.

We aim to establish a positive, healthy interaction and strength from unity in purpose while welcoming and respecting diverse thoughts and opinions, toward an overall good environment in working together. We must stop the problem affecting so many innocent people in the midst of undue pain and silent destruction by the unchecked lawlessness. Together we will also “show-up” to prevent any more “bad things”, anti-American things, from happening to someone else.

Anyone reaching out to and connecting with us will not be forgotten. If you have faith in the American Spirit; seek goodness, commitment, unity in being a watch-man/watch-woman, and are dedicated to a necessary, worthwhile, and rewarding cause, you are welcome to join with us and many other good people. You will not be ignored or disregarded. It is about our children, our freedom and our future; the way our Creator and Redeemer intended it to be.


“You’re so hard to be without.”

LetOurChildrenGo.org is in the process of becoming an element within “the bow” or realm of H3FC but for now it continues to exist as presented. You are invited to also join with us at H3FC.com and follow the blog (coming soon), as you may have already done with LetOurChildrenGo.

Please be patient with us as we continue building the structure and action plans for the work of this rapidly growing endeavor. Something broader in scope, with a view toward a greater reach and impact on the overall problem we’re experiencing “in many different ways”, has been spoken of as coming forth. Now it’s here. As a “peak” just for you; we announce H3FC at H3FC.com (Mark’s primary; see below).

Because of the will-full system failures, and having entered the public arena in coming to you for help, and to be of help, productive actions toward the objective of the “duty-bound” corrective action begins with information; the good, credible, and authentic kind; “just the facts” that bears, passes, and overcomes the test of scrutiny. No hate or lie will ever be justified or promoted by us, or among us. Instead it will be exposed, and eradicated. We are not “perfect”, but will be “the way we are”; with a view to being genuine, sincere, caring, and loving. “Integrity first”, for freedom. We seek to know and follow the truth, and love. That’s what will set us free, if, with integrity, service, and excellence, we establish and uphold it.

In this correspondence you have not been sent an impersonal, “automated/general response”. You are given “a message from us”, with a request to share it with other people whom we hope to get to know, and possibly work with. We are thankful for our growing number of friends who are providing us, and other needy Americans, inspired, life-enhancing help in various ways, with a view to continuing what we, along with our friends, can effectively accomplish every given day for many deeply injured and threatened American parents and children; especially to a better, secure, liberty-based people in the United States of America.


“Integrity first, for freedom!”

We recognize the value of contact with everyone, particularly our fellow Americans; our countrymen, women, and children, regardless of the form, or how it’s sent.

Despite many needs (the Almighty is meeting them through you and others, faithfully, day by day), and the daily grind of urgent business before us, we remain dedicated and steadfast in our objective to be of service to you and many other Americans, even our friends, if possible, around the world.  You have met the best ones already; your prayers, outreach, and support.  The next “best one” is to inform other people and encourage action to whatever talent, gift, or service one may be able and willing to provide. Help others, and stop this threat to every American; the debilitating, destructive impacts on “no crime” parents, children, and their families. 

Beyond that, as the Spirit moves you or anyone else, we welcome it and thank you for however you are led, as identified in the link below.  We are “all in” pursuant to our call in this battle and mission to defeat a very dark, deceptive, and tyrannical enemy. We are going to continue our mission no matter what, until it’s complete and we have accomplished our objective, not just for ourselves, but for so many unjustly hurting and violated people (Americans and our friends around the world) in similar, unlawful situations.


“…patient in tribulation….”; Rom. 12:12

Knowledge (to action) is power, but taking in the information as to what is really going on, so we can fix it, is key to having that impactful “movement power”, by healthy interactions, guidance, inter-personal supports, and accountabilities as forms of enablement to get us there.  “Word of mouth”, words on (available) social media, and other ways are very effective in doing so.  Will you please use whatever is available to you, and in so choosing, revisit it often?

We are also including the additional information spoken of here-in as part of that general message from us, so that hopefully you can share it with others, while we review your needs, offers, and work to help you, or with you, in any way peacefully possible to accomplish that objective. We have a big problem, and “We The People” are going to have to bring about the big solution, for the sake of reclaiming so many precious things being stolen, and held from us; most importantly, our freedom, and now our families, children, and our money.  We know that the many good folks in America know how to get it done and do it right. Join the pack, ’cause we’re going places, to get some awesome things done!


“…cause we’re going places, baby.

Is it not outrageous, even a sad disservice to all of us, that some people will not report on these things, even those who have been presented with “the picture”? We do not count it against them, for everything happens for a reason; like getting to know the valiant warriors who have stepped up and being thankful that they know and courageously do their duty, for what’s at stake, and continue to do so, to this day. Please see our request regarding those very fine folks below. We have no regrets. We’re not looking back.

So, again, thank you for your outreach, concern, and willingness to help us and others.  You are indeed what makes America great.  Will you please stay connected with us and tell our fellow Americans what is happening, in any way you can?  The on-going threat and damage being done is real, and must be stopped. As Terri said, “Our children are suffering”. We have seen, and continue to see it “first-hand”; a mother’s heart knows. We are driven and dedicated to secure our safety; to ensure “liberty and justice for all” in every way peacefully possible.


“…one day,….you will be glad,” again.

Because we understand that you and other people have limited time, we appreciate you looking into what has happened not only to us, but also to hundreds of thousands, even to millions of other “no-crime” American parents and children over the years who are hidden, hurting, intimidated, and oppressed in silence; unlawfully broken up, struck-down, and even destroyed, to the great damage it has done to them, and our country overall.  If you’d like to see a little more detail in respect to what is happening to us, and others, we invite you to receive the following important information, and of course, for taking it in comfortably, and at your leisure.

We have NOT been charged with or convicted of a crime, so “where are our children? Why are they not with us”? However, on the evidence “dark forces” and other people aligned with them have shown apparent involvement with an atrocious amount of lawlessness, to the color of law kidnapping, harming, and enslavement of our children, parental oppression, and alienation. Over 80% of parents having their children “taken” (stolen) are not charged with a crime, do not get jury trials, or other rights, behind locked doors closed to the public, with guns pointed in their face. That is lawless, not constitutional, and contrary to the “American way”. How does one get justice, remedy, or returns with this big of a problem; when “paid trusts” do nothing? “…Deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed….”???, (Ref. Declaration of Independence, 1776). Do you consent to this; “no life, liberty, or the pursuit of happiness” by a “Form of Government…destructive of these ends”? Their time is running out. We fear nothing, except doing nothing.



We have discovered, on evidence, despicable, alarming things; case-framing, fraud, and other crimes with no justice under a “safety/best interest” disguise; to the harm of American children, theft of our freedom, the on-going, unmitigated threat to good, “no crime” people, and our internal destruction. Will you allow it to continue?

Here’s a couple of excellent quick read articles before the longer video interviews:

“Veteran and wife fight to retrieve children taken by government; published June 26, 2021 by Huey Freeman. Note: The article is no longer accessible where it was originally posted. We intend to find a way to re-post it here in another form soon.

Let Our Children Go; published September 28, 2021 on Stophate.com by Tamara Leigh.

If you prefer “the short version” please reference these videos below at the time markers indicated. You may slide it along to the identified minute-markers (mm) for your convenience, or watch it in full. Please take a look, and see a part of “the picture”;

X22 Report (2/4/21) – “The system is rigged. It’s time to take it back”; 11:00 (mm) to 15:45 (mm) – (4m, 45s).

NOTE: Northwest Liberty News was recently terminated on the platform James was using. His work and channel has moved to Rumble. Our interviews with James are not re-posted there, yet, but you may now watch them here.

Northwest Liberty News – Episode 5 of 10 – (10/22/20); “Kidnapped in Kentucky“, 55:00 (mm) to 1:13:57 (mm) – (18m, 57s). Posted with permission from James White and NWLN.


Northwest Liberty News – Episode 6 of 10 – (11/19/20); “Infiltration Kentucky Style?” 32:00 (mm) – 41:00 (mm), and 50:26 (mm) through 59:10 (mm) – (17m, 44s). Posted with permission from James White and NWLN.


Northwest Liberty News – Episode 7 of 10 – (12/22/20); “CPS in a Nutshell: Conspiracy, Fraud, and Criminal Activity”, 18:10 (mm) to 51:25 (mm) – (33m, 15s). Posted with permission from James White and NWLN.


Northwest Liberty News – Episode 9 of 10 – (12/30/20); “Kidnapping, Forgery, and Intimidation: Is Kentucky Family Court a National Model?”, 21:36 (mm) to 25:02 (mm) – (3m, 26s). Posted with permission from James White and NWLN.


You may watch the entire series in order here: Watch.


IMPORTANT: Is the system rigged in a self-acclaimed “national model”? We have discovered, by a significant amount of evidence, an infiltrator, or “a mole”, with possible foreign connections, that by possible blackmail and other things has compromised and been in control of the CPS/family court system there (Jefferson County, Kentucky), perhaps up through higher channels, to include the Louisville Metro Police Department (LMPD), some known healthcare practitioners, and others inside and outside of government. Some icebergs are huge, and go very deep into the sea. Similarly, this may be much bigger, as more than one may exist, and therefore, was the basis for our extensive pursuit of an investigation and corrective action by law enforcement avenues outside of it, even up to the highest levels. We have not received a response or any action there-to. We have no returns and no securities in respect to the unmitigated criminal activity. As such, no place for an appeal existed, and does not exist to this day, in the state channel.

Because of the fraud involved by the abundant evidence we possess, and with the acquisition of Federal Title IV money, your tax money from your life energy, it is another basis for a Federal question, and, if need be, a “We the People action” and remedy there-by. Being apparently true that such a pursuit in our corrupted “courts” may be disregarded because of the cowardice and corruption, has already been repeatedly “dismissed” in similar attempts by several other good people across the United States, and every other quest for justice and remedy with “public servants” in our other branches of governance has been, and continues to be ignored, then by as many of “the brave” in our “homeland” that we can get, which is all that we’ll have left. The only way to failure and a certain enslavement is by “giving in”, or quitting, and allowing the tyrants to continue ruling over and unlawfully oppressing us while our beloved children continue being stolen, re-distributed, and held hostage from their natural parents and families who love them. “We the People”, awake, united, informed, and determined, will not fail. We at H3FC will carry on for just cause to the envisioned, and promised victory, one way or another.

In “return” to date we are ignored and provided nothing, with nowhere to go, except, because of this dark scheme, usurpation, and long-running, disgusting experience, to you, the good American people, in whom is all the power and who will have the final say. Some people do not think you care, but we know that America, properly informed with the truth, does care, and will act. It’s your country, and the loss of your freedom at stake. Do you want “them” coming to take your children, and denying you, your liberties? They have already “taken ours”. If child/Title IV money theft and destruction of your livelihood hasn’t happened to you yet, you have more to lose than we do.

Furthermore, if you think this is only about “CPS”, and this won’t affect you, know that there is also the same type of tyrannical, destructive thing running under “APS”, or Adult Protective Services.


If this is not “a hill worth dying on”, what is?

Don’t think so? Please, prove us wrong. Someone who can see said, “It’s undeniable!”

Our interview with James White at Northwest Liberty News, “7 counts of kidnapping, and not one arrest” shows a part of “the picture”.  Here we reveal a portion of that disturbing picture; an infiltration, and the collusion; a national model?

Northwest Liberty News – Episode 8 of 10; “7 Counts of Kidnapping and Not One Arrest.” Posted with permission from James and NWLN.


In December 2020 we, along with the wonderful Mary Flynn O’Neill, were guests with the great guys (and gals behind the scene) at “Patriot Transition Voice”. 

Steven and Duncan (and their great producers) had their popular and rapidly growing channel shut-down on the platform they were using (guess who?) and their free-speech (ours too) censored around mid-year 2021. We repost 1 of our 2 interviews with their permission here. Our second interview is reposted further down on this page. We miss them and hope they return to the scene soon because their “voice” and people based format for free speech is sorely needed.

Interview 1 – An in-depth disclosure on what happened to us and our family and discussion with the great Mary Flynn O’Neill (yes, General Michael T. Flynn’s sister) on the overall threat and great damage being done to other American parents, their children, and freedom in our beloved United States of America. It’s a longer one, as they graciously allowed us to speak extensively, and go into more details. The interview starts at 3:00 (mm).

Watch below.

Video not available. Maintenance in progress. Please check back later.

As Steven and Duncan reveal in the intro, “It’s a patriots duty to bring truth back to the people….”

…but we ask, “What are the people going to do with it to save America, and our children?”


Later in the same month, we were interviewed by Sarah Westall – Business Game Changers;

Rd 1, Part 1: “The Fight is On; Stealing our Kids and our Country” – “Evil behind the Coup: Scripted pattern to steal children and break America.”

Rd 1, Part 2: “God cares; Does America Care? Air Force Veteran Family Stolen” – “Evil behind the Coup: Scripted pattern to steal children and break America.”

During “National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month” in January, 2021 we were honored to be with a very kind and generous patriot; Sean, on the infamous SGT Report, in an especially heart-gripping, informative, and revealing interview. Will “they” use our system against us to destroy us from within? “Warning: They want your children, too.” He also posted it on his Rumble channel and Odysee channel.

“We need to have a revolution, for children.” – Mary Flynn O’Neill.

Our second round with Sarah Westall-Business Game Changers, is out now;

Rd 2, Part 1: “Thought crimes…; What comes next?”

Rd 2, Part 2: “Thought crimes…; It’s broken by design.”

Clay Clark on the Thrive Time Show had a few questions, the main one being, “Is our U.S. Government separating families?”

You will get a quick answer on that and some other information from “Mary and Terri” and Clay’s other guest, that you may not have heard before.

Here are more great, brave, and caring people by whom we, and also Mary Flynn O’Neill, have been interviewed. They are genuine, and making a difference for what’s right and good in our country; to the well-being of American parents, their children, our families, freedom, and way of life;

Ed Martin, Phyllis Schlafly Eagles (Radio):

“Pro America Report” – Part 1; Part 2; Part 3

  1. Mary Flynn O’Neill
  2. Mark and Terri

700 WLW (iheartradio) – Cincinnati, OH, Gary Jeff Walker:

Part 1, (start at the 50:07 minute marker).

Part 2, (start at the 00:37 minute marker).

Tamara Leigh’s Trend On…: CPS Crisis Mark & Terri and with Mary.

The Pete Santilli Show; on 3/11/2021 we thoroughly enjoyed our interview by fellow patriot and United States Marine Corp (USMC) veteran Pete Santilli on his great broadcast (starting at the top of the second hour). As he describes it, “If you think stealing an election is bad, wait till you learn how they’re stealing our children.”

Report by Alex Newman, Senior Editor for “The New American” posted 3/16/2021 – “Exposing CPS Abuse with Victims and Mary Flynn.” Alex nails it on what’s at stake: “…America needs serious reforms to respect the rights of families, parents, and all citizens.” That “reform” begins with you. Will we reclaim our stolen heritage in America and keep it “new” for the next generation(s)? Alex and his team are doing a great job reporting on real stories and issues in America; what’s being taken from “We the People”, by disguise, and what we’re going to do to get it back. It’s more than just the (apparent) theft of an election. It’s about the theft and redefinition of our heritage, freedom, and correcting a wayward, destructive course. The report was also posted on TNA’s You-Tube channel.

Our second appearance on “Tamara Leigh’s Trend On….’Frontline Fighters'”; a great group of panelists addressing some of the many tyrannical issues affecting parents and children across the United States; posted 3/24/2021.

Posted 3/28/2021 – In the interest of hundreds of thousands of American families severely impacted by the unlawful separation of children from their parents, to an enslaving way of life by corrupt agents in an oppressive system, with millions of others at risk, Dr. Dave Janda and his Operation Freedom mission highlights an emerging national issue in respect to child and family rights, and what’s driving the assault on American families. Dr. Janda dives into not only our story, but also that of special guest Mary Flynn O’Neill (Lt. General Michael Flynn’s sister), and asks tough questions that no one else has asked before. Tune in to hear those answers, and some other things you may not have heard before, as to what is really going on, and the threat to you.

(PTV) Interview 2 of 2: On 4/2/2021 we, and the amazing Mary Flynn O’Neill, were welcomed back to Patriot Transition Voice for a follow-up with the enlightened and entertaining hosts Steven and Duncan, along with their awesome production crew. In this fast-moving and information packed interview we discussed the importance of discovering and presenting “the picture” regarding the extent of the corruption within our systems, even to an apparent seditious operation threatening our freedom and injuring our families, children, and our country. We also explore what “We the People” must do, by right and duty, to secure our freedom for the pursuit of our happiness including the organizations that we launched as a gathering place for information and to action by our fellow Americans. If you enjoy songs like we do, Mr. Michael Beatty, a very talented performer, provides an inspiring introduction.

“Do not be afraid.” Hallelujah (Praise Yah).

Watch below. Re-posted with permission from PTV.

Mary Flynn O’Neill and The Unforgotten American

RedPill78 graciously hosted us for an informative and lengthy interview on 4/9/2021. In it Zak also receives input from callers in the second half of his show and we address some important questions.

After a busy spring and summer, we returned to the interview circuit as the guest of Tim Brown and the Sons of Liberty Radio Live program. In this robust and engaging interview on 9/28/2021, Tim and Mark sharpen our spiritual swords, ask “Where is the church on this?”, and discuss a little more deeply our Constitutional protections, that are now being blatantly ignored and denied us not just in respect to child-theft in fraudulent operations for our Title IV Social Security money through the corrupt Child Protection Services (CPS) and family destruction courts, but in a few other areas affecting us all as well. For people following our story, you may also hear some new things that are very interesting and haven’t heard before. Terri also speaks during overtime at the beginning of the second hour regarding the effects on children, and how she and Mark are having their livelihood unlawfully destroyed, and liberty threatened in a specific, egregious and outrageous manner. Where is the justice, and what is the remedy, Americans? “We the people” do indeed have a problem. Will “We the People” bring about the big solution? Take in this great interview with the Sons of Liberty Radio Live!

Note:  We were kicked off (suspended from) Twitter. Americans are waking up to this “coup”, sedition, treason, and many other atrocities.  Is “justice for truth” coming? You may now find us on social media at the links on LetOurChildrengo.org; or as mentioned in our recent interviews.



We need “all hands on deck” in America for our freedom, families, and children; the bedrock and future of our nation.  Thank you for being one.  Please share, share, share!

We Americans will determine what kind of country we, and our children will live in.  Will we have liberty, or tyranny by a socialistic/communistic totalitarianism; a “cradle-to-the-grave, oppressive nanny-state?  The disregard of our rights as supreme law, and no accountabilities for crimes there-to, and a people doing nothing about it, will not secure liberty and justice for anyone.  What kind of life will that be for us, and our children? Which one of these, looks “American”, and right to you, in our United States of America? Which one of these scenarios, will “Make America Great Again”; #MAGA?

“The dark side”


The Light.

We’ll reap what we sow. We already are. How far do you want either one to go? Therefore, speak truth, with your neighbors, and anyone else you can reach, “for we are members of one another”. (Ephesians 4:25).

We know this is a long “look”. Before closing it out we ask that people also please support our courageous citizen journalists, especially the ones identified here-in, who are investing their time and energy to effectively get the word out. Other “reporters” in “media” are cowardly; and in such dereliction, complicit to these atrocities.  Every piece and person is important, and every little act or amount adds up to being able to do more good for securing an urgently needed victory, and our way of life again.

We are also thankful that our interview with patriot Dave on X22 Report is not only being viewed by so many, but moving people, like you, to be well-informed and do something.

“Save the children. The entire system is rigged. It’s time to take it back.”

In appreciation for the way you have encouraged us, we’d like to share a little something to encourage and comfort you; no matter what the circumstance, have faith that “all things work together for good.” That is what’s real in respect to having a “Beautiful Story”, instead of a horrible one, with no ending.

The days of (full) disclosure are upon us. More is coming forth, soon.

“We the People” have to fix it.  We will prevail.

“For we can do nothing against the truth, but for the truth.”
(2 Corinthians 13:8)

“Love bears all things.  Love never fails…”
(1 Corinthians 13:6-8)

We’ve heard, “The best is yet to come”.  We’re going to make it happen, with more than words, and you are welcome to be a part of it. We are looking for helpers and difference makers; talented (everybody has one), positive, and caring people, to be and bring about the change we not only want to see, but desperately need as a free people in our unique nation.

“Ask not what your country can do for you,…

….but what you can do for your country.” – JFK, 1/20/61



In love and mercy; grace and kindness,
Mark and Terri – “Saving our family”

And now for the main event….

Copyright: H3FC, 2021

Contact: H3FC@protonmail.com

